People often use a lot of abbreviations when discussing modern frameworks, like SSG, ISR, SSR, and CSR. Here’s a simple explanation of what they mean:

SSG (Static Site Generation)

Pages are generated once during the build process and served as static HTML. This is best used for content that rarely changes, like marketing landing pages or portfolio websites. It’s fast since the pages are pre-built and don’t need a server to work. But, if your content changes, you’ll need to rebuild the entire site to update it.

ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration)

It’s like SSG but allows periodic updates. Pages are still pre-generated during the build process, but they can be refreshed in the background at some intervals. This makes it perfect for websites where content changes occasionally but doesn’t need to be updated in real-time, like blogs or documentation.

SSR (Server-Side Rendering)

Pages are generated on demand, every time a user visits. This approach works best for websites where content changes frequently or those that rely on user-specific data. Its advantage is that content is always updated, but the trade-off is slower loading times since rendering happens for every request.

CSR (Client-Side Rendering)

The server sends only a basic HTML file, with JavaScript taking care of rendering the page in the browser. This approach is common for highly interactive apps like Single Page Applications (SPAs). While it allows for dynamic interactions, the initial load time is slower because the rendering happens on the user’s device.

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